I am an Honorary Associate of Newnham College, Cambridge, where my role includes promoting Newnham and advising undergraduates.
I was a trustee of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, a registered charity that works with the public, nurses and decision-makers to make sure that high quality nursing is available at home for everyone when they need it. As a QNI Fellow I continue to support its great work in various ways.
My other pro bono work has included advice to Marie Curie Cancer Care on funeral planning, and mentorship for the Write to Life project, run by the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture (now Freedom from Torture).
I am mentoring nursing leaders from different countries.
Much of my current pro bono activity supports the Nursing Now campaign, and other unpaid advisory work for the World Health Organization and the Council of Europe.
Closer to home, I volunteer most weeks at the Fitzjohn's Food Bank in Lewes.